Keqin Peng (彭科钦)

tel: +44 7432 164777 / +86 195 2048 2118


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About Me

I graduated in July 2022 from Beijing Normal University, School of Artificial Intelligence, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Technology. Currently, I am pursuing a Master's degree in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at University of Glasgow, UK.

My primary research interests include the application and improvement of natural language processing methods, with a focus on document-level information extraction and mining. My specific research areas encompass named entity recognition, entity relation extraction, event extraction, and text summarization.


University of Glasgow  University of Glasgow (2024.09 ~ 2025.09)
  • Degree: Taught Master's

  • School and Major: James Watt School of Engineering, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

  • Key Course Grades: Intro to AI (Grade A2)

Beijing Normal University  Beijing Normal University (2018.9 ~ 2022.7)
  • School and Major: School of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Technology

  • GPA: 3.3/4.0 [GPA Proof] [Chinese Transcript] [English Transcript]

  • Awards and Honors: Jing Shi Scholarship (2020.10), First-Class Academic Scholarship (2021.9), Outstanding Student of Summer School (2020.9)


Work Experience


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